All Users > Brett McMillian > Lost but not forgotten pictures Less Details
77Water Polo Nats in Maine outside the hotel6460
78Ari and Mike hanging out in the hotel at nationals in Maine6290
79Water Polo Nats in Maine by the shore9480
80Larson and Ari6420
81The Attic prior to completion5340
82Getting ready to run around campus5300
83Clites running after me on my bike5360
84Running past Younker5050
85More Running5020
86Running past the science building5120
87Amanda and Halley5330
88Brian and Liv5090
89After the run5090
90Braden on the phone5010
91Braden coming after me5010
92Braden hit me in the nuts4990
93Betsy's crazy obsession with Snuggles5060
94Me during spring break along the barton creek greenbelt5140
95me and Betsy on top of a peak in Big Bend NP5520
96Larson starts the long journey on his bike5061
97Amanda and Halley do some synchronized diving4760
98Julia and Elizabeth wait while Ali gets ready to dive4780