All Users > Anne Kosseff > Kid Stuff > IMG_0312 Kid Stuff: IMG_0312 IMG_0312 Valentine 3—for Vera, who Ellen tells me she's going to marry (for a while Ellen was going to marry several people in what she called "the chain of marryers." "First, I'm going to marry Ellison, then we together are going to marry Kai, then the three of us are going to marry Hazel." Not sure when she dropped the chain for Vera.) This says "Happy Wedding Day," but when I asked her if I could write it to make sure they understood what it said, she told me to say it says "happy wedding day when it's time." Apparently she doesn't want to rush things. <--Previous   Next-->    
IMG_0312   (3 of 8)   View Original Image
Anne Kosseff  
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