All Users > James Dinnerville > What I'm working on right now (the 4th painting on glass) > fourthwork 015c What I'm working on right now (the 4th painting on glass): fourthwork 015c fourthwork 015c This time around I've tried to make my lines and painting as precise as possible. I've also tried to make each brush stroke the exact same length and give each section the exact same amount of paint over two coats. This means it can take a whole night to do two larger sections or three smaller ones. <--Previous   Next-->    
fourthwork 015c   (3 of 8)   View Original Image
What I'm working on right now (the 4th painting on glass)  -  Normally I wouldn't post an artwork until it was finished, but this time I felt like showing what I was up to because this one is taking a while and I might have to to take a break from it. This is the first one that really comes close to the level of quality and craftsmanship I've always wanted and so wanted to upload a record of the process in case there are setbacks or it has to be delayed. Most of the pics have captions.
James Dinnerville  
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