All Users > James Dinnerville > The Towboat 'Mary Ann' on the Cal-Sag Canal > MaryAnnIncinerator 038cCrop The Towboat 'Mary Ann' on the Cal-Sag Canal: MaryAnnIncinerator 038cCrop MaryAnnIncinerator 038cCrop <--Previous   Next-->    
MaryAnnIncinerator 038cCrop   (3 of 6)   View Original Image
The Towboat 'Mary Ann' on the Cal-Sag Canal  -  Earlier in the week I took a break from copywriting to go out and shoot along the canal... just to get away from the desk. Since my photos are now occasionally run in the local paper I revisited my old neighborhood near the canal to get some photos with a local sensitivity. I happened to come upon this small, barge-less towboat as she returned from the harbor near Lake Calumet. The Robbins incinerator is in the background of the last three shots.
James Dinnerville  
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