All Users > James Dinnerville > The Monument Against Time: First Drawings > civmon002 The Monument Against Time: First Drawings: civmon002 civmon002 The second drawing usually takes things to a higher level of detail. The form itself also usually takes on a more unified shape. Here the horizontal spar has been merged with the body of the work and the curving upper surface has become a distinctive part of the upper structure. The reason why different parts are merged as a sculpture is drawn up is obvious: To make the final product a complete whole instead of a bunch of parts. In this case I have made some of the lines more organic than usual... creating a visible difference between the obviously artificial straight edges (which are needed for the function of the work) and the parts that attract the eye.
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The Monument Against Time: First Drawings  -  Please see my Facebook Notes essay entitled 'The Monument of Civilization Against Time' for the idea behind these drawings.
James Dinnerville  
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