All Users > James Dinnerville > Tail End of a Blizzard > BlizzardPic1139 Tail End of a Blizzard: BlizzardPic1139 BlizzardPic1139 <--Previous   Next-->
James, thanks for the comment (I figured this would be the place to reply back). While I agree on your sentiments regarding <i>artificially</i> coloring photos, I would argue that shooting at night with a digital camera confuses the image processor, thereby resulting in the incorrect white balance. I typically shoot in the RAW file format, which allows me to make white balance decisions, and the picture reflects what colors actually existed that night.
-Anders Ahlberg, Feb 27, 2007 12:16 AM

BlizzardPic1139   (8 of 8)   View Original Image
Tail End of a Blizzard  -  Yes, I know that I should have used filters to shoot at night...
James Dinnerville  
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