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formn592781599_1077767_1062   (4 of 5)   View Original Image
Irrational Forms  -  (Hmnn... these didn't upload at first so I assumed they weren't up and never wrote a caption)

Last year I experimented with holography. Unfortunately none of my experiments, given the materials I could afford, really worked out. However, I did produce several concept drawings of shapes that I wanted to transform into what I thought of as 'holographic sculptures'. The idea was that each form could be maxde into a 3d model and then photographed onto a holographic plate using a diffused laser. As such, none of these shapes is what would seem to be a 'rational' 3d shape that could exist in the real world. If you look closely, though, each of them could exist, it''s just that there are multiple ways to interpret each design (in terms of what is fore and background, etc). As sculpture is a study of space and time and life, really, is contemplation of the same I find such crazy designs to be interesting. I will post more when I have time to scan them.
James Dinnerville  
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