All Users > James Dinnerville > 'Agamemnon':Watchman Character Design > AgWatchmanHelmetMaskSide 'Agamemnon':Watchman Character Design: AgWatchmanHelmetMaskSide AgWatchmanHelmetMaskSide There were several drafts of the helmet/mask before this. I overdrew the front of the one on the left and so started the one on the right... which I now think of as the final design. <--Previous   Next-->    
AgWatchmanHelmetMaskSide   (2 of 5)   View Original Image
'Agamemnon':Watchman Character Design  -  The first character seen in 'Agamemnon'. The design for his helmet actually goies back several years, but I never actually drew it out all the way until now (it had existed as a makeshift sculpture). More importantly, you can see my drawing abilities start to unlock in the sequence here. By the time I drew the full, three-quarters figure I felt like I did when I was 12.
James Dinnerville  
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