All Users > James Dinnerville > 'Agamemnon':Watchman Character Design > AgWatchmanClothingBody 'Agamemnon':Watchman Character Design: AgWatchmanClothingBody AgWatchmanClothingBody The Watchman sans helmet. Various drawings of the helmet can be added to his neck and rotated... Or so I've been told. This is my first attempt at anything close to animation or animation pre-production. <--Previous   Next-->
AgWatchmanClothingBody   (5 of 5)   View Original Image
'Agamemnon':Watchman Character Design  -  The first character seen in 'Agamemnon'. The design for his helmet actually goies back several years, but I never actually drew it out all the way until now (it had existed as a makeshift sculpture). More importantly, you can see my drawing abilities start to unlock in the sequence here. By the time I drew the full, three-quarters figure I felt like I did when I was 12.
James Dinnerville  
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