All Users > James Dinnerville > 'Agamemnon':Troy, Exteriors, Interiors, and Characters > TroyDoubleEagle 'Agamemnon':Troy, Exteriors, Interiors, and Characters: TroyDoubleEagle TroyDoubleEagle Ok... everyone who is reading this knows that the double-headed eagle is a later Roman, then Byzantine, then Russian symbol... but each of those societies claimed to be successors to the previous... and Rome's mythology held that they were descended from Trojan survivors. Though it amounts to 'retcon'ing history, I think it's fair at an artistic level to use the Double Eagle as a Trojan symbol. <--Previous   Next-->    
TroyDoubleEagle   (9 of 11)   View Original Image
'Agamemnon':Troy, Exteriors, Interiors, and Characters  -  In the text there are three separate monologues where the characters describe events at Troy. For our production they will take the form of 'flashbacks'. Here are most of the major components for the Troy sequences, save for a few of the walls and figures I created.
James Dinnerville  
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