All Users > James Dinnerville > 'Agamemnon': First Character Designs > AgChar1 'Agamemnon': First Character Designs: AgChar1 AgChar1 The cut of the cloth is based on a depiction of one of Justinian's advisors in a Byzantine wall mosaic. Yes, that was a period 1600 years removed from the one Aeschylus was writing about, but I was really just looking for how the fabric would wrap/fit for a courtly figure. The design is my own, as is the alphabet/ideograms on the design. Though some characters resemble Linear B, I made a conscious decision to make it clear that this would not be a literal depiction of the late bronze age. The story and its themes, however, will remain unchanged... and people should not worry that Aesychlus' focus on the evolution of law and morality in society has been ignored. <--Previous   Next-->    
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'Agamemnon': First Character Designs  -  So... my friend looked at the props I built, tested them in front of his green screen, and then looked through my original storyboards... and he pretty much concluded that animating more detailed drawings was the way to go. These are drawings for some of the chorus
James Dinnerville  
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