All Users > Linn Davis > 2006.05.21-08.10 - Trail Building in New Hampshire > DSC02877 2006.05.21-08.10 - Trail Building in New Hampshire: DSC02877 DSC02877 Beginning to set up our camp. Fred, our stand-in father, exhibits his pants-shirt-hat outfit for all occations. If only you could hear a bit of that lovable New Hampshire accent..."by god!"

In examining the fashionista to your left, we see the middle-stage of a transformation from light-blue dress shirt to dirt-colored rag. This and a duplicate shirt were my sole upper-body garments for the summer. By month or two in, there was no laundry additive strong enough to wipe out the sweat-dirt-bug-dope fragrance. When Ralph Lauren starts marketing cologne-infused clothing, I'd better get kick-backs.
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DSC02877   (68 of 403)   View Original Image
2006.05.21-08.10 - Trail Building in New Hampshire  -  What a great summer! Out in the woods, digging trails, fighting swarms of bugs. Tuning up my bulging muscles and tuning up my ukulele. Met some fantastic folks and got to see some mountains, trees and rain again.

The first 12 1/2 pages of photos were taken by our crew-photog, Jill. The last 3 1/2 pages are of my backpacking trip at the end of our trailwork.
Linn Davis  
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